Inside ArtScroll Interview with Roy and Leah Neuberger
From Sinai to Yerushalayim

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration from Roy Neuberger
Hashem’s Sukkah
Hashem’s Sukkah
October 14th, 2024
Dovid Hamelech says, “Hashem will hide me in His Sukkah on the day of evil…” (Tehillim 23)When we enter the sukkah, we are going totally under Hashem’s protection. Over us are leaves and vegetation, which in themselves protect no one. But these leaves and vegetation make it clear that it is
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The Wild Horse
The Wild Horse
October 9th, 2024
A horse gallops across the endless plains, its mane flying in the wind. No human hand has ever touched him. Hour after hour he runs. No one challenges him; no corral can contain him. But the eye of Hashem is watching. Then, Hashem places a two-legged creature upon the horse’s back. The
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Roy & Leah Neuberger
Roy is the author of five books and a long-running weekly column
in the Jewish newspaper Yated Ne'eman. Linda is his 'First Editor.'
Since the publication of Roy's first book, they have spoken together
at hundreds of locations in fifteen countries.
Roy's latest book is 48 Ways to Shalom Bayis.
Roy is also the author of the Number One Jewish bestseller
FROM CENTRAL PARK TO SINAI: How I Found My Jewish Soul (Jonathan David 2000)
and 2020 VISION (Feldheim Publishers, 2008).
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