Inside ArtScroll Interview with Roy and Leah Neuberger
From Sinai to Yerushalayim

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration from Roy Neuberger
Out of The Box
Out of The Box
February 6th, 2025
For the last few weeks, we have been speaking about rain. Please forgive me, but I want to discuss this topic again, because it seems to me that it is not being properly addressed. I checked various sources, including reports from the Israel Water Authority. The conclusion is that “the
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Drinking Rainwater
Drinking Rainwater
January 30th, 2025
A few weeks ago, our son-in-law, Rabbi Dovid Winer, stepped outside his kollel for a breath of fresh air and to relieve his tired eyes. Standing outside the bais medrash was an old man, who started speaking to him in a very kindly manner. What subject did he speak about? Irritated
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Roy & Leah Neuberger
Roy is the author of five books and a long-running weekly column
in the Jewish newspaper Yated Ne'eman. Linda is his 'First Editor.'
Since the publication of Roy's first book, they have spoken together
at hundreds of locations in fifteen countries.
Roy's latest book is 48 Ways to Shalom Bayis.
Roy is also the author of the Number One Jewish bestseller
FROM CENTRAL PARK TO SINAI: How I Found My Jewish Soul (Jonathan David 2000)
and 2020 VISION (Feldheim Publishers, 2008).
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